Launch Date: Sunday 6th December, 2015 at 10am EST

Alessandro Zamboni

Saul Maraney
Welcome to our new launch!
Hello and welcome to "Shopify Traffic Explosion" JV Page!
In the last few months we saw a lot of Shopify products release, all about how to start your store, but no one talking about useful traffic techniques for Shopify... So our idea was born, and we started collecting and testing constant traffic flow methods. At the end we were able to get 7 huge methods to get a lot of visitors!
Visitors mean more sales for your Shopify stores, because traffic is the lifeblood of every online business. And with these 7 techniques you can aim at a lot of more sales, because this traffic is:
- Direct
- Constant
- Durable
- Free and Paid
Anyone can find his personal methods between the 7 we analyzed and we make available through step by step screenshots.
This is a huge product, something every Shopify marketer on the globe will need. Because there are actually well more than 100,000 stores, but only a few have the necessary traffic to survive the proof of time!
Thanks so much and see you soon on the inside!
Alessandro Zamboni & Saul Maraney
FRONTEND - $9.95 at 100%
This is our main product, about how to drive traffic to Shopify with 7 full methods, each one explained in detail with step by step screenshots.
OTO 1 - $17 at 50%
This is an incredible video series that expands the traffic techniques to new levels.
OTO 2 - $250 at 33%
This is our excellent webinar in which we will show how to run a Shopify business from zero, with live questions and recording available to all buyers.



Use this in your newsletter or in a blog post!
Today I stumbled upon an incredible new product by Saul Maraney and Alessandro Zamboni... It's called "Shopify Traffic Explosion" and it shows you 7 incredible free and paid ways to generate huge traffic to your Shopify stores.
There are many courses on the market, but no one shows you how to get unlimited targeted traffic on demand like this. With this product you will be able to turn your stores into passive income machines in just a few minutes, following the easy step by step descriptions with screenshots!
This is a gem if you have started with Shopify but you're not getting what you expect from your store and what’s more, Alessandro will provide his usual support!
Don't lose the opportunity to get an avalanche of traffic to your Shopify stores and orders will come!
Ckeck it out now!
Thanks so much and see you soon,[ YOUR NAME HERE ]
Thanks so much for your support!
Remember we like to exchange with people who promote for us, so in case you have something in launch, contact us on FB or via email at puck82 @ gmail . com
We will be happy to create a continuative exchange with you!
Thanks and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni & Saul Maraney