Come Join Us Tuesday, April 18th @ 10am EST For The Mega Launch & Super Commission...
Recurring Ninja Profit is Coming


We Go Live on Tuesday April 18th at 10am

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Presented to you by:

Alessandro Zamboni and Stefano Del Grande joined their forces and their years of experience in Internet Marketing. Their solid background is full of success and quality products sold everywhere online. Stefano and Alessandro are in fact winners of various awards on their online businesses including various WSO of the day on Warrior Forum Plus.

Hello and welcome to the official JV page of :

This is an Ebook showing how to start promoting monthly affiliate programs instead of the classic affiliate program where your customers are paid only one time and goodbye.

With our proven 20 monthly affiliate programs it will be easy to get approved and get unlimited monthly commissions, so after the sale it’s made, from the next month these are passive profits coming in for your customers.

And if they stay in longer, they will probably need more upgrades, spending more cash and sending way more commissions through the years.

More, we show four high quality and creative ways to promote that affiliate programs in a new way, to get a lot of passive income without the usual competition.

This is a way to get more money at the end of each month, to build profits in a long term way and with the same efforts of normal affiliate publishing.

Something new, a wave of fresh air in a saturated world.


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Sale Page Preview Page

The Funnel are:


OTO 1: Ninja Pack of 70 swipe files

70 swipe files to use to promote the best monthly affiliate offers.
 We have prepared a list of  catchy eNewsletters for 10 different selected products among the best Internet Marketing Affiliate Programs. Each one of them has a sequence of 7 ready-to-use or customizable follow-up to upload to the Autoresponder.


OTO 2: Ninja Live Webinar

OTO2 is a live webinar on how to start promoting high-ticket stuff.

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Email Swipes

Copy, paste and send one of our high click proven swipes below!

Scroll Down Inside The Boxes Below To Get Your Swipes

3 Emails:

Subject: More than Maketing Guide

Hello and welcome.

Today Alessandro Zamboni and Stefano Del Grande

have released a new guide that will change
the world of affiliate marketing…

It’s “Recurring Ninja Profits”,
a method to discover the Top 20 monthly
affiliate programs hidden on the web,
to start earning a monthly passive income
with the same efforts of normal affiliates promotions.

More, you will get 4 new and amazing
incredible traffic methods that have made
the difference over the years for Alessandro and Stefano.

Finally, you will get a lot of bonuses
you can’t really leave on the table…
If you want to start making a passive monthly income,
“Recurring Ninja Profits” is the right path to follow!


Thanks and see you soon




Got Questions? We Have Answers!

We will be happy to count you in on this special launch, something huge. One of our biggest lunches of all times, for customers and for affiliates like you.

Give us your preference, and we promise we will give you incredible conversions and a lot of commissions. Have any questions (Review copies...etc)? Connect with us!

Thanks so much and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni & Stefano Del Grande

Request Affiliate Link Here


Alessandro Zamboni

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Stefano Del Grande

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