Welcome by Alessandro Zamboni, The King of Coloring Books & The Creator Of The First Guide About Coloring Books Creation!
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Hello and welcome!
Today I present to you the launch of “Coloring Paradise”, my second release after the release of “Coloring Books Empire” many years ago, that officially launched the coloring books business.
This package includes 100 carefully designed and high quality mandalas in JPG format, that your customers can use in any way they like, as they come with full PLR rights.
They can be used in a lot of ways, from coloring to resell, from memberships to a lot of projects like journals, diaries, self-adhesive sheets, business cards and much, much more.
For the first 3 days the price will be set at $17, then it will go up to $27.
OTO1 offers 100 patterns, OTO2 offers 100 black and white images.
Hope to count a lot of you in!
Thanks and see you,
Alessandro Zamboni
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Subject: 100 Mandalas For You to Color or Resell!
Subject: PLR Rights on Secret Alessandro Zamboni Mandalas!
Subject: Coloring Paradise is Live!
Hello and welcome.
Alessandro Zamboni, the coloring books king and the man behind the first successful product about coloring books is back with something exclusive for all those people who love to color.
Today he released “Coloring Paradise”, an incredible collection of 100 mandalas he designed on his own which took at least 10 hours of time, and all generated from copyright free photos.
For just a few days he is offerings you full PLR rights on all of his mandalas, giving you an incredible value.
In fact you can color them on your own, or resell them in any way you like, in a package or in a membership. This is an incredible chance for you!
Think also of how many ways you can use these mandalas: in your new coloring books, in journals, on your decoupage products, printing them as coloring stickers, and so on.
This package is being offered at a special price for just a few days, and I suggest you to take advantage of it right now, before the price rises when the counter reaches zero.
Jump onto this “Coloring Paradise” NOW!
Thanks and see you,
Got Questions? I'm Ready to Answer!
I will be happy to count you in on this special launch, something huge after the success of my "Coloring Books Empire". One of my biggest lunches of all times, for customers and for affiliates like you.
Give me your preference, and I promise I will give you incredible conversions and a lot of commissions. Have any questions (Review copies...etc)? Contact me!
Thanks so much and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni


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